There isn't too much to blog about really, but I will start from the end of the last one. Monday evening, a group of us went to the movie theatre to see "Slumdog Millionaire". The theatre was huge, as well as the screen, and it was dirt cheap; by far the least amount of money I have spent going to see a movie, and buying popcorn. The movie itself was good and highly enjoyable. It is about two brothers who lose their mother and are forced to fend for themselves in the slums of bombay. A bunch of stuff happens, but how it is set up is that the younger brother is on the indian version of "who wants to be a millionaire" and ends up being able to answer all the questions. Not because he is smart and educated (he is a slumdog), but because little events throughout his life as a slumdog provided him with the answers to most of the questions, and the questions just so happened to pertain to events of his memory he was able to recall. Of course there is the element of love involved, where he and his brother meet this other little girl in the slums, but the younger brother becomes separated from her and the older brother, which drives him to be on the Millionaire show.
I recommend seeing it at least once, even though it has the "cheezy" happy ending, that one of the girls in the group pointed out was improbable and the only thing about the movie that wasn't good. But I say, that the nature of a probability such as this entails that at some point the improbable must happen. Say there is a 1 out of 10 chance that two people in love get the "happy" ending, well all that entails is that 9 of those people don't get the happy ending, but 1 does. So why discount a good movie because the improbable happened? After all, the improbable must happen at some point right? Otherwise there would be a 0 out of 10 chance that the "happy" love ending would take place for a couple, and by experience we know that isn't the case. This leads me to want to explore probability theory, which I have not done yet, but I still recognize the difference between highly improbable and impossible. So one should not ascribe impossibility to a situation that is simply improbable. After all, it is improbable for a gambler to win at the craps table, given the odds, but by necessity there are those who do win at the craps table and role the improbable number, and this chance drives people to play the game. The same should and must be true for a person's attempt at securing a relationship even though the odds against it are paramount. Suffice to say the realism during the movie allows for the improbable ending to occur, and in fact not be "cheezy" in theory; even though the way it was acted out might be a little cheezy, with the whole "kiss me" line when the young man is hesitating to do so. Such cheezy acting can be overlooked for the sake of the transcendental point of what is going on.
Some girls are watching "sex and the city" dvd's right now, and I abhor that show. It is an abomination to nature, and all things productive and intellectually or creatively stimulating. In my personal opinion, I find the show to reflect negatively upon women, and I doubt many women will agree, which I find sad. I have met few young women who do not like the show, and I can't figure out why the number is so small. If there were a show that was only about men talking about their hook ups, and indulging in "locker room" sex gossip, I would find it demeaning and unproductive, and to reflect negatively upon me as a man. It seems apparent that the women who do love the show empathize with the characters and plots, which are severely lacking, and there is almost a sense of womanly pride amongst viewers. Ahhhhhh yes, the struggle of inner city women trying to "make it", and I suppose by "making it" we mean have a lot of sex and gathering to discuss the encounters as soon as possible. The show is almost never about the women's struggle in the workplace or the like, but it's them talking about their hook ups and indulging in "ladies room" sex gossip. Does anyone else not see the negative portrayal of womanly priority amongst young single women? I am failing to find words adequate enough to express my distain for this program.
I have started to watch episodes of the old mtv show "Daria" with a newly acquired friend from California, as she has the episodes on her computer. I haven't seen that show in a really long time. I should have brought some family guy dvd's or something, I didn't really think about it. I can only watch the two south park episodes and one American dad episode I have on my computer so many times.
Every morning the electricity goes off for a time, and I wake up, because the fan turns off. It also goes off randomly throughout the day. Such things are normal, and you don't even flinch, you just keep doing what you are doing and it will be back on shortly.
Tonight we are going to eat dinner at this italian restaurant so we will see how that goes.