We went to this market place today, where there was a lot of kite flying for a holiday. It was cool, they had a lot of stuff you could buy, and I will probably return at some point to buy things before I leave.
There were a lot of beggar children outside of the entrance though, and they were kind of aggressive in their begging style. They would touch you to get your attention, never makes for a comfortable situation when you have cash out trying to group pay the rickshaw driver. When we left we decided to get some pizza hut, and the rickshaw drivers ripped us off. We thought it would be farther than it was, but it was only around the corner, and the group agreed to 100 rupees per rickshaw, split by four people. So when we weren't going to pay that amount for going that far, they pouted about it, and this kid just paid it because he was already ticked off by the beggar children ripping his kite. You have to watch getting ripped off. The pizza was good though.
I also managed to do some laundry, always a good thing. There were some odd things at the market though, like this guy performing tricks with a cow, letting it step on him and bite his neck to make money as a street performance; I did not give them money. There was also this giant of a man that let you take pictures with him for a donated fee, whatever you wanted to give him for it. He was huge. I also tried to take a picture in the rickshaw to give a perspective of the experience of riding in one, as you can see.
I also forgot to mention a local nocturnal animal that is kind of interesting, really huge bats. Within the first couple of nights I noticed some flying things in the nights and evenings. At first I didn't question what they were, and just assumed they were black birds of some sort, like the crows you would see in the day time as well. Not until I watched one swoop into the tree and dangle upside down, did I realize they were really huge bats. Kind of cool I suppose, it reminds me of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, when Dr. Jones and the hot blonde woman crash land in Indian and float to this village, where they then take a hike some place, and the hot blonde woman looks up and says
"Look at all those birds..."
and Dr. Jones says "those aren't birds...those a vampire bats...".
Of course I am paraphrasing, I have not seen that movie for a long time, but I was reminded. They also are not really vampire bats, these eat fruit and insects I believe. I think actual blood feeding bats are found in the South American region, not really sure.
hmm beats those guys in Europe pretending to be robots, for sure. :)
ReplyDeleteI suppose it does, though I have never seen those guys. By the way, I don't believe we have met, but you are following my blog. Just wondering how that came to be.
ReplyDeletewe're friends on myspace you goof. haha. i asked you about stuff in ohio... :)
ReplyDeleteand you should probably get to europe immediately to see one. or watch Eurotrip :)