Monday, January 12, 2009

The Group

Here are some pictures of the group, most of them are Miami students, there are a few that are not. Of course, in the first photo there are some university faculty. You will find me camping out in the back of every group picture. I also realized I wore the same shirt on both of our little outings, completely unintentional, I need to do laundry but there are only two machines, and they are always being used when I try to do laundry.

On our trip to the Buddhist monuments, waiting for the boat, I apparently made some friends. You have to get used to this in India, if you come here, and you are white, you are some what of a quasi-celebrity. It doesn't come with any really great perks, like offers of free stuff because you are awesome, in fact you may get charged more because you are a "rich american". However, you will frequently be greeted by strangers wanting to try out their English, and get a picture with a white guy (or girl), and sometimes, get an autograph. 


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