Tuesday, January 6, 2009

So I haven't been on a bike in years, many years, and now we have bikes to ride to classes. I can't decide if I just want to walk to bike, I have biked for the last few days, and my legs might fall off. On the other hand, walking takes longer, hmmmmmm. Nevertheless, it seems you you really don't forget how to ride a bike, because "it's like riding a bike".

I think that I have a set schedule now, pretty much, there are many things to work around because the class schedules are really odd, and they changed like twice. Also, I have to deal with the contrast between miami's rigidness and India's lack of structure, which is difficult as I have to make sure I get done what I need to get done here for Miami, and the lack of structure here does not help that. So there have been some adjustments to my classes, which are as follows:

-Basic Hindi
-Gandhian Philosophy
-Law and society of colonial India (I think)
-Independent study in Vedanta: along side the regular course of Indian philosophy

I have not looked into the Law and society yet, I will later today, hopefully that works out, and it's still being offered etc. Because tomorrow is actually some kind of Muslim holiday, and we are supposed to take a trip some where for the long weekend before classes "really" start. I find this process of sampling courses and such to be a pain, it would be much easier if you just set the courses that are being offered so that we can judge accordingly. We'll see what happens...

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